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DevOps tools/trends that I really like right now...

26 JUL • 2014 1 minute
  • Docker and Docker Hub - It’s awesome and it removes a lot of the complexity from traditional DevOps work. What’s funny is that while doing my migration to Tumblr, I found this three year blog post that pretty much describes Docker. Yes, it’s not too far from FreeBSD’s Jails, but it never had this momentum nor the toolset (which of course is a result of the momentum).
  • CoreOS, Etcd, Systemd and Fleet - Once you have started to fully embrace Docker, CoreOS and its components just makes a ton of sense. I really hope that this is where we’re heading. Once you’ve had a taste of fleetctl, you’re hooked.
  • Ansible - Sometimes you still need to manage servers and Ansible is a breeze of fresh air. Sorry, Puppet, but I’m done with you.
  • Python - Yes, in modern day DevOps, Bash simply won’t cut it. Python is a blessing when you need to interact with an API or similar.

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