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Run your Tor Relay Node in Docker

16 OCT • 2014 2 minutes

Tor is a project that I really love to support. In this age of increased surveillance, Tor is needed more than ever.

Unfortunately, your own Tor Exit Node can put you in a lot of trouble due to the fact that Tor being used for all kinds of abuses. This is unfortunately a the reality of anonymity; some people will abuse it.

Yet, we shall not let this overshadow the fact that Tor is a critical tool for or a lot of people out there who are trying to circumvent government censorship. I want to help these people with the resources I have available at my disposal. As a result, I have run a number of Tor servers over the years.

If you don’t want to take the risk of running your own Exit Node, you can still help by running a Relay Node. To simplify the deployment of this (and to increase the security of your server), I’ve created a Docker container that does just that.

With Docker installed, all you need to do is to run the following:

$ sudo docker run -d \
    -p :9001:9001 \
    --restart=always \
    --name=torrelay \
    -t vpetersson/torrelay

This will create a Tor Relay Node. All you need to do is to open up your firewall, such that the Docker container is reachable on port 9001.

Update: I just updated the name of the container added more info. Please check the github page for more details.

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