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Join Viktor, a proud nerd and seasoned entrepreneur, whose academic journey at Santa Clara University in Silicon Valley sparked a career marked by innovation and foresight. From his college days, Viktor embarked on an entrepreneurial path, beginning with YippieMove, a groundbreaking email migration service, and continuing with a series of bootstrapped ventures.

Physical Pen Testing Secrets: Covert Building Infiltration Explained

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14 MAR • 2025 1 hour 6 mins

In this captivating conversation with Warren Houghton, we explore the secretive world of physical penetration testing. Warren, an experienced security professional, shares his expertise in testing and bypassing physical security measures that protect sensitive facilities and assets.

We begin by discussing the fundamentals of physical penetration testing and how it differs from digital security assessments. Warren explains his methodical approach to evaluating building security, from initial reconnaissance to execution, and how he documents vulnerabilities for clients to address.

A significant portion of our discussion focuses on the technical tools and techniques used in physical penetration testing:

  • Badge cloning technologies and vulnerabilities in common access control systems
  • Lock picking tools and techniques, including the use of specialized tools for different scenarios
  • Under-the-door tools and methods for bypassing door sensors
  • The effectiveness of tailgating as an entry method
  • The vulnerabilities of magnetic locks and how they can be compromised

Warren shares fascinating war stories from his career, including breaking into:

  • A bank in Amsterdam where he successfully accessed the stock trading floor
  • An arena with inadequate security measures
  • Corporate buildings with sophisticated access control systems

Perhaps most intriguing is Warren’s deep dive into social engineering tactics. He explains how building rapport with targets like receptionists and security guards is often more effective than technical approaches. Warren demonstrates how creating a sense of trust and familiarity can lead people to willingly provide access to secure areas, highlighting the psychological aspects of security breaches.

The conversation takes an important turn toward security recommendations, with Warren emphasizing that security awareness among staff is the single most critical defense against physical breaches. He explains why:

  • Staff should understand they are part of the security posture
  • Simple practices like removing badges when leaving the office significantly improve security
  • Investigating security alarms is essential rather than dismissing them
  • Certain access control technologies (particularly HID proximity cards) should be avoided

We also discuss the importance of proper encryption keys for access cards, with Warren explaining that many organizations use default credentials that can be easily exploited. He provides practical advice for improving physical security, including the use of custom encryption keys and tamper-resistant readers.

The episode concludes with Warren’s perspective on the balance between technical security measures and human awareness, suggesting that even the most sophisticated systems can be compromised if staff aren’t properly trained and vigilant.

For anyone responsible for facility security or interested in understanding physical security vulnerabilities, this episode provides rare insights into the methods used by professional penetration testers and practical steps to enhance protection against unauthorized access.


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[00:00] Viktor Petersson
Welcome back to another episode of Nerding up with Viktor.
[00:03] Viktor Petersson
Today I'm joined again by Warren.
[00:05] Viktor Petersson
Welcome back, Warren.
[00:07] Warren Houghton
Hey, Viktor.
[00:08] Warren Houghton
How you doing, mate?
[00:09] Viktor Petersson
[00:10] Viktor Petersson
So last time I had you on, we quickly realized that this was going to be a two part episode.
[00:15] Viktor Petersson
There were way too much stuff to cover that.
[00:17] Viktor Petersson
We quickly, even before hitting the record button, we realized that.
[00:20] Viktor Petersson
[00:21] Warren Houghton
There was a bit of discussion before.
[00:23] Warren Houghton
They were like, oh boy, there's some more to chat about.
[00:26] Warren Houghton
[00:27] Viktor Petersson
The last episode was not even your focus or area of expertise.
[00:31] Viktor Petersson
This was more like a side thing you do on the side.
[00:34] Viktor Petersson
But today we're going to talk about what you actually like to do for a living.
[00:40] Viktor Petersson
And your focus, my true passion.
[00:43] Viktor Petersson
Your true passion indeed.
[00:45] Viktor Petersson
And that is to do fiscal pen testing, Covid entry.
[00:48] Viktor Petersson
[00:49] Viktor Petersson
Or how would you define that?
[00:51] Warren Houghton
I don't know how I define it.
[00:53] Warren Houghton
It has lots of names, isn't it black teaming, covert physical entry, social engineering, smash and grab.
[01:00] Warren Houghton
I don't really know, like to find how I'm the guy that breaks in your buildings and then I'll try and get access to your network and yeah, that's me.
[01:09] Viktor Petersson
And so it's usually a multi stage attack.
[01:12] Warren Houghton
[01:12] Viktor Petersson
It's not just like, oh, you got, you broke a lock and now you're done.
[01:15] Viktor Petersson
Because that's usually, that's just, that's not the engagement.
[01:19] Viktor Petersson
[01:19] Viktor Petersson
That's just a means to an end.
[01:21] Warren Houghton
Yeah, that's.
[01:21] Warren Houghton
It's like, it's.
[01:23] Warren Houghton
I like to be.
[01:24] Warren Houghton
It's never about just getting in the building.
[01:25] Warren Houghton
And that's something that I want to try and chat, maybe chat about this.
[01:28] Warren Houghton
[01:29] Warren Houghton
Just getting in the building.
[01:30] Warren Houghton
It's about the impact of having someone in your building.
[01:33] Warren Houghton
[01:34] Warren Houghton
And if I break into a building, there's no one in it, there's no network, then what have I gained?
[01:39] Warren Houghton
Like, you know.
[01:39] Warren Houghton
[01:41] Viktor Petersson
So let's talk with that.
[01:42] Viktor Petersson
Like, how does your regular engagement look?
[01:45] Viktor Petersson
Like what's like, what are people hiring you to do?
[01:48] Viktor Petersson
That's maybe start there.
[01:51] Warren Houghton
I don't know why they hired me.
[01:52] Warren Houghton
I'm not gonna lie.
[01:53] Warren Houghton
I wouldn't hire me.
[01:55] Warren Houghton
So they tend to be a little bit more of a drive to trying to scare their board members to say, yeah, this is doable.
[02:04] Warren Houghton
To get budget is usually say like, oh, some crazy guy from PTP has just broken in and we need to get budget to actually change stuff.
[02:13] Warren Houghton
[02:14] Warren Houghton
And your engagement, a general engagement goes over like a few different phases.
[02:20] Warren Houghton
You've got your osint so just advanced Googling, basically just Google.
[02:26] Warren Houghton
[02:26] Warren Houghton
So open source intelligence gathering.
[02:28] Warren Houghton
And basically you go, okay, I am targeting company A.
[02:32] Warren Houghton
I need to learn everything about company.
[02:33] Warren Houghton
I want to know where headquarters are, what it looks like.
[02:36] Warren Houghton
And you'll build up a picture about what that building looks like.
[02:39] Warren Houghton
And then you go on site and you go, right, first things first, I need to confirm what I know.
[02:46] Warren Houghton
And is it actually true?
[02:47] Warren Houghton
Like, is there suddenly, you know, there's scaffolding on the building this week or something, you know, people, it changes.
[02:53] Warren Houghton
So you need to confirm that.
[02:54] Warren Houghton
And then you just work on a.
[02:57] Warren Houghton
Work on a way in.
[02:58] Warren Houghton
So you just sort of start watching people, trying to gauge what they look like, what people wear, where their badges are, how they act, where the client is.
[03:07] Warren Houghton
Like, you know, in London, for example, you get like skyscraper.
[03:11] Warren Houghton
Generally a company doesn't own the entire building.
[03:14] Warren Houghton
So you look at where they are in the building and yeah, just trying to.
[03:18] Warren Houghton
I aim to emulate a member of staff because like these buildings are meant to let people in.
[03:24] Warren Houghton
They're meant to let the right people in.
[03:25] Warren Houghton
So you just want to be one of those right people.
[03:27] Warren Houghton
[03:28] Viktor Petersson
So what's your go to?
[03:30] Viktor Petersson
Like, who do you like to impersonate?
[03:32] Warren Houghton
I like to impersonate me.
[03:36] Warren Houghton
So I don't.
[03:37] Warren Houghton
Generally, I don't use a fake name or anything like that.
[03:41] Warren Houghton
You can, I can always imagine a bad exam, a bad thing where like if you were walking away from someone and somebody used to come out, oh, Tony.
[03:50] Warren Houghton
And you don't turn around because Tony's not your name.
[03:53] Warren Houghton
It just.
[03:54] Warren Houghton
That's really hard to explain away.
[03:58] Warren Houghton
[03:59] Warren Houghton
It's easier to lie when it's founded on truth.
[04:03] Viktor Petersson
Cover stories to cut off like.
[04:04] Viktor Petersson
Or Personas to bear in mind.
[04:06] Viktor Petersson
[04:07] Warren Houghton
So I go as Warren and I come from.
[04:08] Warren Houghton
It is usually my thing because I look like someone that works in it.
[04:13] Warren Houghton
Like, look at me.
[04:14] Warren Houghton
I look like you're stereotypical IT guy.
[04:16] Warren Houghton
[04:17] Warren Houghton
So that's what I go for.
[04:19] Warren Houghton
And it gives me like, it's a nice cover story to give me access to or give me a reason to look at your computer generally give me a reason to be in the data center, that sort of thing.
[04:30] Warren Houghton
But I, I tend to not.
[04:32] Warren Houghton
I don't like talking to people if I can get away with it on site.
[04:36] Warren Houghton
And there's.
[04:37] Warren Houghton
Yeah, I don't like.
[04:38] Warren Houghton
Social engineering should always be a backup.
[04:40] Warren Houghton
But it should never be your sort of first.
[04:43] Warren Houghton
First thing you do.
[04:45] Viktor Petersson
Right, Right.
[04:46] Viktor Petersson
All right.
[04:46] Viktor Petersson
So you're hired by this company to basically say how good in my fiscal security.
[04:52] Viktor Petersson
And that is essentially a means to an end to plug in some kind of device on their network to basically bypass all their perimeter security.
[05:01] Viktor Petersson
[05:01] Viktor Petersson
That's usually the game, right?
[05:03] Warren Houghton
Yeah, absolutely.
[05:04] Warren Houghton
[05:04] Warren Houghton
It's like you've invested X thousands on firewalls and EDR and all IPS and everything like that.
[05:11] Warren Houghton
But if I can walk in and literally plug in, or like some people are not even interested in you accessing their network, like, how much of impact to a bank would there be of you walking into a data center and sticking an ax through all their stock trading servers?
[05:29] Warren Houghton
That's arguably a bigger impact.
[05:31] Warren Houghton
So sometimes it's just getting access is what they're interested in because they're like, look, you just being in that room is a risk.
[05:39] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, yeah.
[05:40] Viktor Petersson
[05:40] Viktor Petersson
So that obviously varies a lot depending on what kind of building you're going into.
[05:46] Viktor Petersson
[05:47] Viktor Petersson
So if you're in central London and trying to get into a shared office building versus going into a data center with like man traps and whatnot, that's a very different engagement.
[05:57] Viktor Petersson
[05:59] Viktor Petersson
And if.
[05:59] Viktor Petersson
I mean, I'm sure people who are listening have been to sophisticated data centers.
[06:04] Viktor Petersson
Like I've been to DCS where there are like two man traps to even get into the building.
[06:08] Viktor Petersson
[06:08] Viktor Petersson
And like, yeah, you're not gonna talk your way in there probably.
[06:13] Warren Houghton
I mean, even if you're meant to be in there, you probably can't like explain away why you need to be in there.
[06:18] Warren Houghton
Like I like to think of it and a few of my like, colleagues and stuff like that.
[06:22] Warren Houghton
There are three types of building in this world.
[06:24] Warren Houghton
There's buildings like normal offices.
[06:25] Warren Houghton
They're built to let people in.
[06:26] Warren Houghton
It just happens to be the right people.
[06:28] Warren Houghton
Right, yeah.
[06:29] Warren Houghton
Built to let people in.
[06:30] Warren Houghton
A data center is built to keep people out.
[06:31] Warren Houghton
People don't need to be data center.
[06:33] Warren Houghton
Only computer needs to be in a data center.
[06:35] Warren Houghton
You just built to keep people out.
[06:36] Warren Houghton
And then you got prisons.
[06:38] Warren Houghton
It's built to keep people from leaving, you know, and it's.
[06:42] Warren Houghton
There are probably more.
[06:43] Warren Houghton
And maybe paraphrasing, I'm sure some of like, oh, didn't mention this, but like, you know what I mean?
[06:48] Warren Houghton
[06:48] Warren Houghton
So a data center is a completely different ball game than an office building in London.
[06:53] Warren Houghton
Yeah, that's.
[06:54] Warren Houghton
You tend to need sort of cyber assistance on that because there's like almost like a staged attack.
[07:00] Warren Houghton
To get into a data center, first you need to be able to actually be allowed, almost be allowed into the data center.
[07:06] Warren Houghton
Because no one's going to just let you in.
[07:08] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, you can't talk your way in there.
[07:10] Warren Houghton
You can't talk your way in.
[07:11] Warren Houghton
Like it's.
[07:12] Warren Houghton
Well, at least it's bloody difficult.
[07:13] Warren Houghton
Like, I know people are happy, but it's not something you should plan for, in my opinion.
[07:19] Warren Houghton
There are stuff like card cloning and stuff like that, which is, I mean, I've got a lot of.
[07:22] Warren Houghton
I like car cloning.
[07:23] Warren Houghton
We can go into that.
[07:24] Viktor Petersson
We're going to talk about that at length later.
[07:26] Warren Houghton
But yes, EU interviewed Iceman a few months ago.
[07:29] Warren Houghton
Iceman's weird.
[07:30] Warren Houghton
Love Iceman.
[07:31] Warren Houghton
So, yeah, and so car cloning is obviously going to be a thing that you would have to maybe employ for a data center.
[07:40] Warren Houghton
Because you can just let yourself into a data center.
[07:43] Warren Houghton
You still have a bit of an issue about because there's generally like a key box usually in a data center.
[07:48] Warren Houghton
Like keys for different network cabinets and whatever.
[07:51] Warren Houghton
We've all seen them.
[07:53] Warren Houghton
It's a different ball game.
[07:54] Warren Houghton
Center is an entirely different beast.
[07:57] Warren Houghton
[07:57] Viktor Petersson
All right, let's talk about more like an office building then.
[08:00] Viktor Petersson
So like you done your recon, you know, like what you're dealing with, you know, you go into the right building to start with.
[08:07] Viktor Petersson
[08:08] Viktor Petersson
That's, that's an important.
[08:09] Warren Houghton
Make sure, you make sure you break into the right place first.
[08:13] Warren Houghton
First and foremost.
[08:15] Viktor Petersson
So, so you roll, you rock up, you kind of, you dress the part, you look like somebody from it.
[08:22] Viktor Petersson
You go to the, I mean the receptionist, the first gatekeeper most likely, right?
[08:27] Warren Houghton
Usually, yeah.
[08:28] Warren Houghton
So I tend to try and avoid the reception because the receptionist is usually the most dangerous person in that building.
[08:35] Warren Houghton
Seconded to maybe the PA of some high board member.
[08:40] Warren Houghton
You get the receptionist, they've got a level of power without being in charge.
[08:45] Warren Houghton
[08:46] Warren Houghton
They are the first, like you say, the first gatekeeper and they have that power.
[08:50] Warren Houghton
They allow people into the building and they're generally very dangerous.
[08:53] Warren Houghton
On a social engineering engagement or like a physical compromise, if there's a back door, I will always choose the back door rather than go find the reception.
[09:03] Warren Houghton
Sometimes you can't do that because like London for example, generally it's multi occupancy and you got one big reception on the ground floor or something.
[09:12] Warren Houghton
At that point you just, you've got to go through past the reception and hope to God that they don't look at you.
[09:18] Warren Houghton
But then that all goes back to.
[09:21] Viktor Petersson
Do you tailgate then?
[09:23] Viktor Petersson
Is that your first plan of attack?
[09:25] Warren Houghton
I don't, I don't like tailgate for Me is a non persistent attack.
[09:32] Warren Houghton
My objective is always to get persistence into that building so I can go into that building as and when I want.
[09:39] Warren Houghton
And my objective personally is, well, how does everyone else get into that building?
[09:44] Warren Houghton
Like I look at that, how did everyone else get in that building?
[09:46] Warren Houghton
And generally it's a card, right?
[09:47] Warren Houghton
You get, you know, that's where I've spent too many years looking at access control systems, at how they work.
[09:55] Warren Houghton
I know like how they work, the full system.
[09:59] Warren Houghton
I know like generally I'm not gonna say I'm some sort of genius, but like I understand how an access control system works.
[10:05] Warren Houghton
I understand a lot of different cartechs and that's what I, I specialize in identifying what card tech they are using in a covert manner and trying to work out what card set they use based on the readers, based on what they look like, you know, where they are.
[10:20] Warren Houghton
If it's hflf, whatever, but that's.
[10:23] Warren Houghton
Then I would target that to get me access.
[10:26] Warren Houghton
If that doesn't work, say they're using some crazy expensive, you know, hid SEOs with custom keys and all this jazz, then I'm gonna have to tailgate because it's not going to be cloneable in any realistic manner.
[10:39] Viktor Petersson
Let's go back to the scenario where things are clonable.
[10:42] Viktor Petersson
[10:43] Viktor Petersson
So imagine you have some kind of gate which is what you'll see in most office spaces.
[10:47] Viktor Petersson
[10:48] Viktor Petersson
Or most semi sophisticated office spaces.
[10:50] Warren Houghton
[10:50] Viktor Petersson
There's some kind of gate with RFID badges.
[10:53] Viktor Petersson
[10:54] Viktor Petersson
So you know what the part should look like your it you want to get into the building.
[11:01] Viktor Petersson
Probably the target you're going after tend to be something related to it as well.
[11:04] Warren Houghton
[11:04] Viktor Petersson
You're not going into like finance buildings that you go in like.
[11:09] Viktor Petersson
[11:09] Viktor Petersson
So probably going to be looking like the part.
[11:11] Viktor Petersson
[11:12] Warren Houghton
[11:12] Warren Houghton
So generally every company has an IT department.
[11:15] Viktor Petersson
[11:16] Warren Houghton
Especially in 2025.
[11:17] Warren Houghton
I've broken into a lot of banks, a lot of tech firms, a lot, you know, a few government buildings, stuff like that.
[11:24] Warren Houghton
And they've all got an IT department.
[11:26] Warren Houghton
Like there's no reason you, like I wouldn't break in wearing a hoodie.
[11:31] Warren Houghton
I've never broken wearing a hoodie.
[11:33] Warren Houghton
Especially like squid game on it.
[11:35] Warren Houghton
But like it's so you need to measure what they look like.
[11:40] Warren Houghton
Like for example, I broke into a building last week.
[11:42] Warren Houghton
[11:43] Warren Houghton
I was in engagement last week and I broke into a building.
[11:46] Warren Houghton
They were wearing casual but like smarter than a hoodie.
[11:51] Warren Houghton
So they wore like polio shirts and jeans.
[11:54] Warren Houghton
I wore polo shirt and jeans.
[11:56] Warren Houghton
It's because you need to be.
[11:59] Warren Houghton
There's the gray man mentality.
[12:01] Warren Houghton
I mean, if it hasn't read that there's a gray man, there's a whole blog post online if you search gray man, it's brilliant.
[12:09] Viktor Petersson
[12:09] Warren Houghton
You almost want to blend into the background.
[12:12] Warren Houghton
You want to be visible but invisible.
[12:14] Viktor Petersson
[12:15] Warren Houghton
And you don't want to stand out.
[12:17] Viktor Petersson
[12:18] Warren Houghton
And that's why you have to just judge what everyone else is wearing and do that.
[12:22] Viktor Petersson
Right, Right.
[12:23] Viktor Petersson
[12:24] Viktor Petersson
So you now look the part.
[12:27] Viktor Petersson
You know what entry system they're using.
[12:30] Viktor Petersson
Is your first port of entry then kind of badge cloning or is that you try to get close somebody close enough to somebody in the cafeteria, clone their badge and then just rock in?
[12:45] Warren Houghton
Yeah, that's it.
[12:46] Warren Houghton
So we tend not to do like a one day smash and grab jobs like you've seen like 10 years ago, whatever.
[12:53] Warren Houghton
Like that.
[12:54] Warren Houghton
Because you don't have the time to emulate any form of realistic attack.
[12:59] Warren Houghton
So these things are generally like a couple of days recon or a couple of days breach and stuff like that.
[13:03] Warren Houghton
So you've got a little bit more time to come up with a solution.
[13:06] Warren Houghton
So, yes, I will attempt to clone your badge.
[13:09] Warren Houghton
Say you're using, I don't know, iclass.
[13:11] Warren Houghton
Hit iclass with a default key.
[13:13] Warren Houghton
Cartek's widely known and it's been known to be compromised for a good 10 years or something.
[13:18] Warren Houghton
[13:19] Warren Houghton
Someone put the encryption key on Twitter like a decade ago.
[13:24] Warren Houghton
If they're using that, for example, I'm going to attempt to clone your card at like a nearby shop.
[13:28] Warren Houghton
[13:29] Warren Houghton
There's no reason for me to go in your building and put myself at risk rather than just wait for you to come out of the building and then just clone you out.
[13:38] Viktor Petersson
You've done enough recon that you know who works there now and maybe like, I guess is access control.
[13:45] Viktor Petersson
Do you scope enough to know like, oh shit, only this level of employees have access to this building or you just pass tried to get past the.
[13:53] Warren Houghton
So the initial thing is you're trying to get past the threshold.
[13:56] Warren Houghton
Right, Right.
[13:57] Warren Houghton
So you don't know.
[13:58] Warren Houghton
I don't know.
[13:58] Warren Houghton
You coming out.
[13:59] Warren Houghton
If you've got access to the data center, for example, I might be really lucky.
[14:04] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, right away like the cto, that'd be great.
[14:08] Warren Houghton
But you might not.
[14:09] Warren Houghton
You have to assume you don't.
[14:10] Warren Houghton
All you can see from the outside is I can see you've walked in, you've scanned your badge on that reader.
[14:16] Warren Houghton
That's the only.
[14:17] Warren Houghton
That's All I can tell was 100%.
[14:19] Warren Houghton
And I know I.
[14:20] Warren Houghton
I need to scan that reader to get access.
[14:22] Warren Houghton
So I turn your badge and I get access past that first pedestal.
[14:26] Warren Houghton
So, like, for example, the same job last week we got in, we had persistence in due to car cloning, but we didn't have access to the data center.
[14:35] Warren Houghton
So it's like, okay, well, first things first.
[14:38] Warren Houghton
Find who has access to the data center.
[14:40] Warren Houghton
And we sort of waited outside the data center and luckily saw someone go in.
[14:46] Warren Houghton
Like, that's not.
[14:47] Warren Houghton
People don't generally go in data centers.
[14:48] Warren Houghton
We got lucky in that instance.
[14:50] Viktor Petersson
[14:50] Warren Houghton
And we're like, well, that guy definitely has access.
[14:53] Viktor Petersson
[14:54] Warren Houghton
So we targeted him and went over to.
[14:57] Viktor Petersson
You just basically follow him around until you can get close enough and just.
[15:01] Warren Houghton
Yeah, we actually waited for him to go back to his desk and then just went over and asked him for the guest WI fi passwords.
[15:07] Warren Houghton
It wasn't like asking for a guest WI FI password while my colleague, because it was like I was attacking from the left, talking to him.
[15:14] Warren Houghton
My colleague was attacking for the right cloning his badge, which he left on the desk, which was not ideal.
[15:20] Warren Houghton
But those sort of things is trying to.
[15:24] Warren Houghton
Trying to figure out the next step.
[15:26] Warren Houghton
It's all about elevating.
[15:27] Warren Houghton
Like, you're not going to.
[15:28] Warren Houghton
You're not going to hack a website and instantly get da.
[15:31] Warren Houghton
Generally, you know, it's.
[15:35] Warren Houghton
It's the next step.
[15:37] Viktor Petersson
So talk me through a little bit more about the cloning mechanism.
[15:42] Warren Houghton
[15:42] Viktor Petersson
Because that's what.
[15:43] Viktor Petersson
What's in your bag.
[15:44] Viktor Petersson
[15:44] Viktor Petersson
For engagement like this.
[15:46] Viktor Petersson
Because obviously going into this, you have no idea what you're faced with.
[15:50] Viktor Petersson
[15:50] Viktor Petersson
So I presume your bag has quite a few tools in it for various kind of attack scenarios, right?
[15:57] Warren Houghton
[15:58] Warren Houghton
So my bag is very specialized towards car cloning because that's what I do.
[16:03] Warren Houghton
That's my area expertise.
[16:05] Warren Houghton
If you were to go over to a black team in America, it may look very different because they tend to do more bypass techniques and like under the door tools and stuff like that.
[16:15] Warren Houghton
[16:15] Warren Houghton
[16:16] Warren Houghton
I've been doing this a long time and that generally doesn't work in the uk.
[16:20] Warren Houghton
Like there's.
[16:20] Warren Houghton
So my bag won't look the same as that.
[16:22] Warren Houghton
And it's specialized where you are.
[16:25] Warren Houghton
My bag.
[16:26] Warren Houghton
I mean, you've got the Proxmark, obviously you spoke to Iceman.
[16:29] Warren Houghton
My glass came off, which is why it's yellow because I've stuck it down and like, I tend to use that.
[16:34] Warren Houghton
Maybe a Raspberry PI that I can use to control it or I can use my phone.
[16:38] Warren Houghton
I tend to have big readers for different access cards.
[16:43] Warren Houghton
Technologies for range, I assume.
[16:45] Warren Houghton
Yeah, range.
[16:47] Warren Houghton
So like.
[16:48] Warren Houghton
Well, this one, for example, I use this one.
[16:52] Warren Houghton
This one is a Paxon P200 which currently working on at the moment.
[16:57] Warren Houghton
And that gets a range of about yay ish.
[17:01] Viktor Petersson
[17:01] Warren Houghton
Which is brilliant.
[17:02] Warren Houghton
And you can put in the bag and clone a card through.
[17:06] Warren Houghton
Through someone's pocket.
[17:08] Warren Houghton
It's quite simple.
[17:09] Viktor Petersson
So you basically have that big antenna hooked up to Proxmark and then you just need to get about a foot away from the badge and game over.
[17:18] Warren Houghton
[17:19] Warren Houghton
So that particular one won't be hooked up to a Proxmark.
[17:21] Warren Houghton
That hooked up to.
[17:22] Warren Houghton
It's an ESP32 with some custom coding friend of mine, which is obscenely good.
[17:28] Warren Houghton
So big to him because he knows who he is.
[17:31] Warren Houghton
And so we use.
[17:34] Warren Houghton
I use that and then.
[17:36] Warren Houghton
But it really depends on what the card tech is.
[17:38] Warren Houghton
But you can use a mixture of different tools to gauge an idea or at least a good understanding of what the car take is.
[17:46] Warren Houghton
You're never going to get it 100 because you have.
[17:49] Warren Houghton
Don't have access to the card.
[17:51] Warren Houghton
Like unless you have the card, you.
[17:52] Warren Houghton
You can't 100% tell exactly what it's doing, but you can gain a good idea.
[17:57] Warren Houghton
[17:58] Warren Houghton
So it's all about taking the right kit to do the right job or to have every eventuality.
[18:06] Warren Houghton
So like, access cards are generally two frequencies, for example.
[18:10] Warren Houghton
So you've got LF and HF 125khz and 13.56 meg.
[18:16] Warren Houghton
Now there's a little tool which I haven't got it to hand, otherwise I'll show you it.
[18:20] Warren Houghton
And all you do is put on a reader and it induces current into this little tool.
[18:24] Warren Houghton
[18:25] Warren Houghton
It doesn't need logs.
[18:25] Warren Houghton
It's not actually a car.
[18:26] Warren Houghton
But all it does is blink a little LED when it's a certain frequency.
[18:30] Warren Houghton
[18:31] Viktor Petersson
So you can narrow the search, essentially.
[18:33] Warren Houghton
Yeah, precisely.
[18:34] Warren Houghton
So you can put that on their reader and instantly with like, we're not talking, there's a delay or anything.
[18:39] Warren Houghton
You just got to be on the reader, which is in the public area, generally.
[18:42] Warren Houghton
Because I'm on the outside of your buildings.
[18:43] Viktor Petersson
[18:44] Warren Houghton
And you can tell what frequency of cards you're using because if your only accepts hf, you're not going to be using an LF car because it physically won't work.
[18:53] Warren Houghton
So at that point you can start dialing down what access cars they're doing.
[18:57] Warren Houghton
[18:57] Warren Houghton
Using and then target that one.
[19:01] Viktor Petersson
Right, okay.
[19:04] Viktor Petersson
So in most scenarios, as long as you can get close enough, you are a game over essentially in terms of access.
[19:13] Warren Houghton
In most scenarios, yeah.
[19:15] Warren Houghton
There are systems out there which are crazy good.
[19:18] Warren Houghton
Like, I'm not going to say that every system can be cloned because they absolutely can't if you've invested into the right things.
[19:24] Warren Houghton
But they're rare, I'm not gonna lie.
[19:26] Warren Houghton
Like, good stuff.
[19:28] Viktor Petersson
It's the Facebook, it's the Microsoft, it's the Google of the world that have enough sophistication to deploy these.
[19:35] Warren Houghton
That's it.
[19:36] Warren Houghton
Like, it has been honestly a long time since I've seen a car that I couldn't clone in the field.
[19:43] Warren Houghton
But yeah, you generally have to get, we'll say about a foot, you know, depending on what card tech it is.
[19:49] Warren Houghton
But a foot is your roundabout, you know, distance.
[19:53] Warren Houghton
And a vast majority of them are like instant time frame.
[19:56] Warren Houghton
Like, we're not taught.
[19:57] Warren Houghton
Like, as quickly as you can read your card on an actual reader, I can clone your card with my kit and.
[20:05] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, go ahead.
[20:06] Warren Houghton
Oh, sorry.
[20:06] Warren Houghton
And then like, if you wear your card to like Tesco or.
[20:10] Warren Houghton
Yeah, whatever, or shop and I see it, then I can clone it without the risk of going anywhere near your building.
[20:17] Viktor Petersson
[20:18] Viktor Petersson
And now you have the payload.
[20:20] Viktor Petersson
[20:20] Viktor Petersson
So now you, I mean, usually these are like credit card size badges in most scenarios.
[20:25] Viktor Petersson
[20:26] Viktor Petersson
But you probably then need to disguise your card in case you get caught.
[20:33] Viktor Petersson
[20:33] Viktor Petersson
So, yeah, how do you do that?
[20:35] Viktor Petersson
Do you take a, do you try to snap photo of that, how the catch looks like?
[20:39] Viktor Petersson
So you can go to a print shop to print out like a sleeve for it or like, how do you actually go about that?
[20:43] Viktor Petersson
Or is that a lot of concerns?
[20:44] Warren Houghton
There's a mixture.
[20:45] Warren Houghton
If you've been really silly, then somebody's put like a really good picture on the Internet because people do.
[20:51] Warren Houghton
And that's where it'll be up in like osint, we see it all the time.
[20:54] Warren Houghton
Yeah, people.
[20:56] Warren Houghton
I mean, you generally see people with badges online, but they're sometimes low quality and you can't always make a forgery based on them.
[21:04] Warren Houghton
But like some people are like, hey, first day at company X, here's my badge.
[21:09] Warren Houghton
And that's just very silly, isn't it?
[21:12] Warren Houghton
Like, you can understand why that would be silly.
[21:15] Warren Houghton
So you make a forgery.
[21:16] Warren Houghton
Like, I like making forgeries.
[21:19] Warren Houghton
They're quite fun to make because it's a fine art and I've got a badge printer right there.
[21:24] Warren Houghton
Or we take a badge Printer with us on site and we print the badge in the hotel room, we can confirm it.
[21:32] Warren Houghton
Like, we can get photography online.
[21:34] Warren Houghton
Sorry, on site.
[21:35] Warren Houghton
If you didn't put one online because you were smart.
[21:39] Warren Houghton
So, like, if you go to a nearby shop and you haven't put your badge away, like, I cannot stress enough to, like, the end users.
[21:45] Warren Houghton
Put your badge away.
[21:48] Warren Houghton
If you don't put your badge away and we get like, photo of it.
[21:52] Warren Houghton
I've got quite good at photography over the years and if it's on show, I'm probably going to get a picture of it and then we can make a forgery and like you say you just make a forgery.
[22:05] Warren Houghton
[22:05] Warren Houghton
I either.
[22:07] Warren Houghton
You can either print it to like a.
[22:09] Warren Houghton
An RFID card if you want.
[22:11] Warren Houghton
If you've got a few, like, I've got quite a few but I don't like wasting them, so.
[22:16] Warren Houghton
But you can print it to just a normal plastic card and then just put it in front of a car, like an rfid.
[22:24] Viktor Petersson
[22:24] Viktor Petersson
[22:25] Warren Houghton
Yeah, that's it.
[22:26] Warren Houghton
So you don't even need.
[22:27] Warren Houghton
You just need a normal plastic card.
[22:30] Warren Houghton
Just put it in front of your RFID card and away you go.
[22:33] Warren Houghton
[22:34] Warren Houghton
So, like, once you.
[22:35] Warren Houghton
Once you've got stuff like a lanyard.
[22:38] Warren Houghton
A lanyard is.
[22:38] Warren Houghton
Is amazing, you know, especially if they've got custom lanyards and stuff like that.
[22:42] Warren Houghton
We see it quite a lot with like the company name down it and stuff like that, which is good and bad.
[22:48] Warren Houghton
They're really good in your office because it's really good at highlighting who isn't.
[22:53] Warren Houghton
Isn't staff.
[22:55] Warren Houghton
As soon as you wear it outside your office, it's bad.
[22:58] Warren Houghton
Take it off.
[22:58] Warren Houghton
Yeah, because it make.
[23:00] Warren Houghton
It highlights you as a target and it's also.
[23:02] Warren Houghton
If I get a picture of it, I can make it and then suddenly I'm trusted.
[23:07] Warren Houghton
[23:07] Viktor Petersson
[23:08] Warren Houghton
Your bag is your, like, single biggest token of trust and it's what I'm going to target.
[23:13] Warren Houghton
Any information about it I can get, I will.
[23:15] Viktor Petersson
[23:16] Viktor Petersson
And you go, how quickly can you get a badge or a lanyard printed like that?
[23:22] Warren Houghton
An hour.
[23:23] Warren Houghton
I do it myself.
[23:24] Viktor Petersson
Oh, really?
[23:25] Warren Houghton
Like the badge.
[23:27] Warren Houghton
The badge I can print myself.
[23:28] Warren Houghton
Literally, I've got a badge printer, so I don't need to go to, like there's.
[23:32] Warren Houghton
You got to be quite sensitive, obviously.
[23:34] Warren Houghton
This is client data, so you can't just go to, like, another company and say, print this badge for me.
[23:38] Viktor Petersson
[23:39] Warren Houghton
If it's a client name on it, they might just get in contact with them and that'll be really.
[23:43] Viktor Petersson
Of course, of course.
[23:44] Warren Houghton
Plus it's client data, so you can't go giving that to everyone.
[23:48] Warren Houghton
Yeah, lanyards, they can be really good.
[23:50] Warren Houghton
So I've made my own lanyards before where they had like the logo all the way down and you can get like DTF transfers and like basically iron them on and it looks really good.
[24:01] Warren Houghton
Or you can get them custom printed companies online, they take about a week or so.
[24:07] Warren Houghton
So that's where like if you see.
[24:09] Viktor Petersson
At that point, because you haven't done recon fully, I guess.
[24:12] Warren Houghton
[24:12] Warren Houghton
So the color is interest.
[24:14] Warren Houghton
So it really depends on what you see on the osint.
[24:18] Warren Houghton
[24:19] Warren Houghton
So like the one we've done a while ago, actually their lanyards were literally the same color as their brand.
[24:29] Warren Houghton
I'm going to say what is obviously it's client just in case but like it was the same color as their brand.
[24:33] Warren Houghton
It's quite clearly going to be the same color as their brand.
[24:35] Warren Houghton
You could see it in very bright color in any of the pictures.
[24:38] Warren Houghton
So we just went to their website and got the color code of their brand and then just had that printed.
[24:43] Warren Houghton
[24:44] Warren Houghton
When were on site we noticed it was identical.
[24:47] Warren Houghton
Like we found some in a drawer and it was like, this is literally the same.
[24:51] Warren Houghton
I think we even went to the same supplier.
[24:55] Warren Houghton
[24:55] Viktor Petersson
But it also like, I mean it also probably doesn't have to pass too much scrutiny.
[24:59] Viktor Petersson
[24:59] Viktor Petersson
And you probably want to make it look a bit worn out and snake a little bit ragged.
[25:03] Viktor Petersson
[25:04] Warren Houghton
[25:04] Warren Houghton
So that really depends on where, what sort of site you're going to.
[25:08] Warren Houghton
I tend to if you go, if you're going into a bank and you need to dress in a shirt or something like that.
[25:14] Warren Houghton
Not that you try.
[25:15] Warren Houghton
And like I'm not going to pass as an investment banker.
[25:17] Warren Houghton
I'm not that sort of guy.
[25:18] Warren Houghton
But you need to blend in like we said about earlier.
[25:20] Warren Houghton
So I might wear a shirt now that's not a very dirty environment.
[25:24] Warren Houghton
That's not a very like rough environment.
[25:27] Warren Houghton
So I might only wear it down a little bit just so it doesn't look like it's freshly printed.
[25:33] Warren Houghton
[25:33] Warren Houghton
Or the lanyard.
[25:34] Warren Houghton
If I'm going to like a utilities company and I'm there wearing, you know, high vis and boots and stuff like that, because that's what they wear, then I'm going to make it look a little bit rougher because clearly that would be a little bit rougher in that environment than.
[25:50] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, of course.
[25:51] Warren Houghton
But it's all play to your environment.
[25:54] Warren Houghton
Like, it's all like, you need to emulate your target.
[25:57] Warren Houghton
Rather than just trying to get in the building.
[25:59] Warren Houghton
It's trying to be like, there's always the goal for me and my old colleagues and stuff is like, there's no reason for them to catch you.
[26:10] Warren Houghton
Like, the only thing they can pick out in the ideal world is the fact you just don't work there and they don't know you.
[26:19] Warren Houghton
Nothing else, Nothing else should be wrong.
[26:21] Viktor Petersson
[26:21] Viktor Petersson
You know, but you could just have been somebody started yesterday that they are just not in the systems.
[26:26] Warren Houghton
Yeah, Covid really helped with that.
[26:30] Warren Houghton
It, like, it was really bad for a lot of things.
[26:33] Warren Houghton
Obviously we didn't break into a lot of buildings over Covid because not allowed out of the house.
[26:37] Warren Houghton
But like, during, just post, Covid was a nice little sweet stop for physical Covid entry.
[26:44] Warren Houghton
Because you're like, well, I started over Covid, of course you don't know me.
[26:47] Warren Houghton
Like, like I, I've been working from home for the past two years.
[26:51] Warren Houghton
Like this is.
[26:52] Warren Houghton
And there is still an element of that in the world where you say, like, I work remotely and I just come into the office for a meeting and that's why you don't know me.
[27:03] Viktor Petersson
[27:04] Warren Houghton
It's good.
[27:05] Viktor Petersson
[27:07] Viktor Petersson
All right, so let's go back to your bag a bit for a second.
[27:10] Viktor Petersson
Like what?
[27:11] Viktor Petersson
Like, if you want to rebuild your bag, like, how much is custom, how much is open source?
[27:16] Viktor Petersson
Like, what if you would start afresh, like, how much would it take to rebuild your bag?
[27:21] Viktor Petersson
Is that like super expensive hardware or is it like relatively cheap things?
[27:27] Warren Houghton
I've got like a random bag over here that I used last week.
[27:30] Warren Houghton
Let's have a look what's in it.
[27:32] Warren Houghton
So I've got like love a.
[27:34] Viktor Petersson
Love a bag show.
[27:36] Warren Houghton
Well, yeah, don't go wrong.
[27:37] Warren Houghton
There's not a lot in it.
[27:38] Warren Houghton
Like, I think there's a few bits.
[27:39] Warren Houghton
Like, my office is not tidy.
[27:41] Warren Houghton
Like, I'm not tidy.
[27:44] Warren Houghton
Tidy mind or a tight.
[27:45] Warren Houghton
So these are certain things.
[27:46] Warren Houghton
Now, this sound may sound really stupid, but clients like it.
[27:51] Warren Houghton
So obviously I, I, I'm not, I don't do this illegally.
[27:55] Warren Houghton
I do this with the respect of a client.
[27:58] Warren Houghton
Sets the engagement rules.
[27:59] Viktor Petersson
Right, of course.
[28:00] Warren Houghton
So this, right now, what does this look like?
[28:02] Viktor Petersson
Viktor just, I mean, I, I presume that's some kind of receiver of sorts that, I mean, it's a three to create the case, but I presume it's some kind of receiver.
[28:11] Warren Houghton
It's actually literally just a 3D printed box with a wire stuck in it.
[28:15] Warren Houghton
Like, it literally does nothing.
[28:17] Warren Houghton
But to a client, when you leave that on a desk, it's a bug, right?
[28:22] Warren Houghton
Now, that's why I put in my bag, because it's so stupidly obvious that this is a bug, but it's not a bug.
[28:32] Warren Houghton
So there's actually no risk to the client.
[28:34] Warren Houghton
And they're a lot happier about me using this than an actual listening device.
[28:41] Viktor Petersson
Or plug in a Raspberry PI to a network.
[28:43] Warren Houghton
Yeah, you can plug in a Raspberry PI.
[28:45] Warren Houghton
[28:45] Warren Houghton
But some people, like, broke into an arena and they wanted us to bug the dressing rooms, right?
[28:52] Warren Houghton
Because they were like, oh, what happens if you can hear or listen to conversations of talent that come through this arena?
[29:00] Warren Houghton
So obviously Raspberry PI doesn't really help too much with that.
[29:03] Warren Houghton
But I put this in a bookcase in, and suddenly it's been bugged, but not been bugged, you know?
[29:10] Viktor Petersson
Right, right.
[29:12] Warren Houghton
It sounds really stupid because it's literally just a 3D printed bug.
[29:16] Warren Houghton
I remember a colleague was like, warren, I need you to make some bugs that are not bugs.
[29:21] Warren Houghton
I'm like, okay, I can make bugs that are not bugs.
[29:25] Warren Houghton
Just like, I'm just gonna print this and stick a bit of red wire in it and it looks ridiculous and obvious.
[29:32] Warren Houghton
So that's what I did.
[29:33] Viktor Petersson
Nobody actually would want to try to do any listening devices would make them look like that.
[29:39] Warren Houghton
Yeah, exactly.
[29:39] Warren Houghton
No one's going to make them look like that.
[29:41] Warren Houghton
Like, it's so ridiculously obvious that it was a 70s Bond movie, right?
[29:47] Warren Houghton
It's like, I should probably put a little blinky red light on it just to really.
[29:52] Warren Houghton
So the idea was like, if a client sees this, say a client goes underneath the desk or whatever we've planted in a data center, and they see this, they should report it because it's so obvious.
[30:04] Warren Houghton
Now you can stick.
[30:05] Warren Houghton
Like, there are certain things you can do, like a Raspberry PI.
[30:07] Warren Houghton
You plug it in and say, like, it do not remove with a big label.
[30:10] Warren Houghton
And they're probably not going to report that.
[30:12] Warren Houghton
But this.
[30:12] Warren Houghton
The objective of this particular bit of kit was it should be reported.
[30:16] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, yeah.
[30:17] Warren Houghton
And that was the objective.
[30:19] Warren Houghton
Then I've got big old bunch of keys.
[30:22] Warren Houghton
So interesting key rings or like blank.
[30:25] Viktor Petersson
Keys or just some.
[30:29] Warren Houghton
Just some jiggles.
[30:30] Warren Houghton
[30:31] Viktor Petersson
[30:31] Warren Houghton
So when you go to sort of a pedestal or a confidential waste bin or something like that, you can get them open surprisingly quick with just a jiggler.
[30:43] Warren Houghton
Now you can probably just find the key somewhere in the office.
[30:47] Warren Houghton
But you know, a jiggler goes a long way.
[30:50] Viktor Petersson
[30:51] Warren Houghton
Got a selection of default keys.
[30:53] Warren Houghton
So these are just a selection I've had many years now and I keep on adding to them.
[30:59] Warren Houghton
I've default keys for like cabinets.
[31:01] Warren Houghton
So you get into a data center and find a cabinet locked because they're doing it correctly.
[31:08] Warren Houghton
If you've already got that far, then the game's up anyway.
[31:10] Warren Houghton
But then I've probably got the key or it's like a lift key and you can stop people calling it if you really want it.
[31:16] Warren Houghton
Or doors where they've got a.
[31:20] Warren Houghton
A kill switch on the outside for the access control system.
[31:24] Warren Houghton
Now I don't quite get the logic of why they've got.
[31:27] Warren Houghton
They had that but I had the key for it and I just went and it was open.
[31:31] Warren Houghton
Now I'm like, what?
[31:34] Warren Houghton
[31:34] Warren Houghton
Yeah, so that when that clearly went in the report, I got stuff like long range antennas for Busmark because these are really handy.
[31:44] Warren Houghton
So Proxmark tool, this thing went to earlier, signed by your boy that you interviewed the other month.
[31:53] Warren Houghton
Great guy, big shout out to him, he's awesome.
[31:56] Warren Houghton
And so these are like long range antennas for it.
[32:00] Warren Houghton
So it changes the read range from like, you know that to like that.
[32:05] Viktor Petersson
[32:05] Warren Houghton
And that doesn't sound like a lot.
[32:07] Viktor Petersson
But if it's in the bag, that makes a huge difference.
[32:10] Warren Houghton
[32:10] Warren Houghton
If it's in a bag or you put it in a parcel and you walk around the parcel or folder, you've got a bit more maneuverability on that.
[32:16] Warren Houghton
And you though you can do an awful lot of things with a Proxmark and a bit of scripting in lure and you can do an awful lot of things.
[32:25] Warren Houghton
So you know, if I need to, I will.
[32:28] Warren Houghton
Then you got stuff like I don't really use this a lot.
[32:32] Warren Houghton
I bought it because it looked fancy.
[32:34] Warren Houghton
But you got like the Comedian Ultra, which is a cool bit kit and you can load that up with like card dumps and it can emulate loads of cards for.
[32:42] Warren Houghton
You tend to not use that too much because there's not really a.
[32:48] Warren Houghton
Not really a reason for me to use it.
[32:50] Warren Houghton
Then I've got like a rubber ducky.
[32:53] Warren Houghton
[32:53] Viktor Petersson
We're gonna say like.
[32:54] Warren Houghton
Yeah, rubber ducky.
[32:56] Warren Houghton
So they are really useful.
[33:00] Warren Houghton
The Hak 5 tools are generally pretty good.
[33:03] Warren Houghton
I don't have an awful lot of them because I don't need them.
[33:07] Warren Houghton
But this one's great.
[33:09] Warren Houghton
This one.
[33:10] Viktor Petersson
What payload do you have on it?
[33:12] Warren Houghton
This one pulls a lot of information about your av, your host name.
[33:17] Warren Houghton
It was a custom payload by a friend.
[33:19] Warren Houghton
Colleague of mine.
[33:20] Warren Houghton
And basically it pulls a lot of information.
[33:22] Warren Houghton
If your AV is on your firewall, if it's on what your domain name is, what your IP address is, all loads of information and then spits it up to a box we control.
[33:34] Viktor Petersson
[33:34] Warren Houghton
And that's it.
[33:35] Warren Houghton
That's all it does.
[33:36] Warren Houghton
And it's like a bit of enumeration to then give to the Red team or something.
[33:41] Warren Houghton
But it's not the most covert of payload because it does stuff like nice and whatever, because that's what it does.
[33:49] Warren Houghton
[33:49] Viktor Petersson
[33:49] Warren Houghton
Generally an EDR would catch this.
[33:52] Viktor Petersson
[33:54] Warren Houghton
What else we got in here?
[33:56] Warren Houghton
Antennas, Lots of antennas.
[33:59] Warren Houghton
WI FI adapter, which is.
[34:01] Warren Houghton
Yeah, but yeah, there's a few things.
[34:05] Warren Houghton
But a lot of.
[34:06] Warren Houghton
A lot of what I do is based around the Proxmark or stuff.
[34:10] Warren Houghton
Like it's in a bag somewhere.
[34:14] Warren Houghton
Big reader.
[34:15] Warren Houghton
[34:16] Warren Houghton
Usually big readers.
[34:17] Warren Houghton
These are big readers.
[34:18] Warren Houghton
And trying to determine what your access cards is.
[34:21] Warren Houghton
Obviously you've got stuff like Flipper.
[34:24] Warren Houghton
You got this.
[34:26] Warren Houghton
Mine's got a little nard board on it, which is a.
[34:29] Warren Houghton
A present for becoming a father for a very good friend of mine.
[34:32] Warren Houghton
Which is the best present.
[34:36] Warren Houghton
So, yeah, if you tend to dial your kit into what your objectives are.
[34:44] Warren Houghton
And my objectives are generally clone your card because that's how I get it.
[34:49] Warren Houghton
So a lot of my personal kit is built around that.
[34:52] Warren Houghton
I know a lot of people have a lot more bypass tools than I do.
[34:57] Warren Houghton
I don't have many.
[34:58] Warren Houghton
I have an under the door tool.
[34:59] Warren Houghton
And honestly I've never used it.
[35:01] Warren Houghton
I've never needed to.
[35:02] Viktor Petersson
So talk to me about Emil.
[35:04] Viktor Petersson
Let's talk a bit about alternative approach, like under door code tool.
[35:07] Viktor Petersson
Like how.
[35:07] Viktor Petersson
Talk about how they work.
[35:08] Viktor Petersson
Is that.
[35:08] Viktor Petersson
That one extension that you can actually access the doorknob and turn them or how does that.
[35:12] Warren Houghton
Yeah, basically.
[35:13] Warren Houghton
[35:14] Warren Houghton
So it's a.
[35:15] Warren Houghton
I would get it out, but it's.
[35:16] Warren Houghton
It would look weird on camera.
[35:17] Warren Houghton
So I'm not gonna.
[35:18] Warren Houghton
But it's meant to be like long bit of thin metal.
[35:22] Warren Houghton
[35:23] Warren Houghton
[35:23] Warren Houghton
And one end it's got like a.
[35:25] Warren Houghton
Like a long string effectively.
[35:27] Warren Houghton
[35:27] Warren Houghton
And you.
[35:29] Warren Houghton
The idea is you poke them underneath the door and you turn it round so that it hooks around a handle on the other side.
[35:35] Viktor Petersson
[35:35] Warren Houghton
And it's never.
[35:36] Warren Houghton
You can't use it for like a little turn knob thing, but if you've got like a hook handle, say like a hotel would be a good.
[35:42] Warren Houghton
Good example.
[35:44] Warren Houghton
Then hooks around the handle and then you pull the String and the metal sort of like bends and hooks the handle down and opens the handle from the ins.
[35:52] Viktor Petersson
[35:52] Viktor Petersson
[35:53] Viktor Petersson
All right.
[35:54] Viktor Petersson
[35:54] Viktor Petersson
Another interesting thing I've seen quite a few times about in commercial environment, you have a lot of doors that are controlled by magnetic locks.
[36:01] Viktor Petersson
[36:01] Viktor Petersson
That's a pretty common thing with sensors and all that, which opens up a whole different type of attack vector versus a regular lock.
[36:09] Viktor Petersson
[36:10] Viktor Petersson
One of the interesting thing I think is the spray can approach to sensors as well.
[36:15] Viktor Petersson
Maybe talk about that because I think that's a cover.
[36:17] Warren Houghton
That's exactly.
[36:18] Warren Houghton
Again, you see this a lot of times in America.
[36:20] Warren Houghton
Can they have like different laws on like fire exit and stuff like that?
[36:23] Warren Houghton
Yeah, a couple of times in the uk.
[36:25] Warren Houghton
But it is rare.
[36:26] Warren Houghton
It is rare in you.
[36:27] Warren Houghton
But effectively when you walk up to a door internally and it's got like a little sensor and it opens for you.
[36:33] Warren Houghton
[36:33] Warren Houghton
We all seen these sort of doors, but on the way in you would maybe have to scan to open the door.
[36:39] Warren Houghton
[36:39] Warren Houghton
That would be the scenario about what you would want to do.
[36:42] Warren Houghton
If you get a can of air, like a little spray air duster, and turn it upside down and spray it.
[36:49] Warren Houghton
It sprays out like white, Right.
[36:52] Warren Houghton
It spreads out like a white mist sort of thing.
[36:54] Warren Houghton
Yeah, like exactly like that.
[36:55] Warren Houghton
Sprays out like a white mist.
[36:57] Warren Houghton
Now if you stick that little nozzle through the gap in the door upside down and spray it.
[37:02] Warren Houghton
That white mist that's sprayed into the inside of the door will activate the sensor and we'll go, oh, there's movement on the inside.
[37:09] Warren Houghton
I best open this door.
[37:11] Warren Houghton
And effectively.
[37:12] Warren Houghton
Yeah, it's the most.
[37:13] Warren Houghton
I love the attack because it's so.
[37:16] Warren Houghton
It's so ridiculous to see.
[37:18] Warren Houghton
[37:19] Warren Houghton
Especially if you do it in front of a client.
[37:21] Warren Houghton
They're like when you open that door with a can of air, right.
[37:26] Warren Houghton
Like it.
[37:27] Viktor Petersson
It's like a quid if that.
[37:29] Warren Houghton
Right, yeah.
[37:30] Warren Houghton
So like if that's your only door for your client, like if that's your only access that you need to get bypassed, then you've got in with like say a quid or like a couple of dollars.
[37:41] Warren Houghton
If you're in America or whatever it is and you have persistent access because you do that every time.
[37:46] Warren Houghton
Now, the fix for that is obviously out of hours, lock the door, like put a bloody thing on it.
[37:54] Warren Houghton
But people die, do they?
[37:56] Warren Houghton
Because people are generally lazy.
[37:59] Viktor Petersson
[37:59] Viktor Petersson
[38:01] Viktor Petersson
[38:02] Viktor Petersson
Let's talk more about other tools.
[38:04] Viktor Petersson
I mean, let's talk about the lock picking.
[38:06] Viktor Petersson
I mean, it doesn't sound like that's a very common thing that you do in your engagement but I mean obviously for your type of attacks it is surely a fairly common ping.
[38:18] Viktor Petersson
Do you don't have a lock picker at all in your kit?
[38:21] Warren Houghton
I do, yeah.
[38:22] Warren Houghton
I've got a lot picks.
[38:23] Warren Houghton
I would love to tell you where they currently are.
[38:27] Warren Houghton
I do have lock picks that I do use so I, I'm not going to pretend to be the best lock pick.
[38:34] Warren Houghton
I'm not like if you look at lock picking lawyer it looks really easy.
[38:39] Warren Houghton
It's not that easy.
[38:41] Viktor Petersson
Single pins like a complex lock.
[38:43] Warren Houghton
It's like oh, you know, click on 3.
[38:47] Warren Houghton
He is obscenely talented and I want to express that now, initial access wise, I'm not going to pick your lock because that's not my thing.
[38:57] Warren Houghton
[38:57] Warren Houghton
I'm not that good.
[38:58] Warren Houghton
I don't need to be that good at it because.
[39:00] Viktor Petersson
Because it's not very suspicious.
[39:02] Warren Houghton
Yeah, it looks really weird.
[39:03] Warren Houghton
How can you explain that away?
[39:05] Warren Houghton
[39:05] Warren Houghton
If you're, if you caught trying to pick a lock on like the external door, try and explain that away to a security guard.
[39:11] Warren Houghton
You're not going to.
[39:13] Warren Houghton
Your engagement is busted at that point.
[39:15] Warren Houghton
Yeah, but that said, I do pick locks and if I get into the building generally there's stuff like your confidential waste bin and your pedestals and certain cupboards and stuff like that where you maybe keep your cards or your lanyards or your uniform or something like that.
[39:34] Warren Houghton
You may have locked that and generally they're not a good lock because they like wafer locks or something like and they, you can just rake them like within a few seconds and they'll be open.
[39:47] Warren Houghton
So I don't necessarily need to be a good lock pick because you're not putting good locks on your doors.
[39:52] Warren Houghton
[39:54] Warren Houghton
So that's that's me.
[39:55] Warren Houghton
But yeah, I do have lock picks and I do carry them on a daily.
[40:00] Warren Houghton
Not when I'm not working because there's no need to carry them to the nearest Tesco, you know, when I'm going shopping.
[40:06] Warren Houghton
But, but yeah, I do have lock picks and they do get used.
[40:10] Viktor Petersson
Let's talk a bit about the state of lock picking.
[40:12] Warren Houghton
[40:12] Viktor Petersson
Because we've seen.
[40:14] Viktor Petersson
I'm not a good lock picker by any means.
[40:15] Viktor Petersson
But I do find it fascinating.
[40:17] Viktor Petersson
I do play a little bit with it.
[40:18] Viktor Petersson
But you've seen a lot of development lately in lockpicking with not bump keys kind of at the start of that, I guess, which has been around for a long time.
[40:28] Viktor Petersson
But you have like lock guns now are very readily available on like AliExpress and whatnot.
[40:33] Viktor Petersson
Like, how good are these lockpicking guns?
[40:35] Viktor Petersson
And like maybe speak a bit about that from your colleagues that I'm sure you have exposure to from them.
[40:40] Warren Houghton
Yeah, like I've heard that they're all right.
[40:42] Warren Houghton
Like obviously they're very loud, like physically like generally quite loud.
[40:47] Warren Houghton
So I wouldn't use them on covert job because you can hear them go at the other end of the office.
[40:53] Warren Houghton
And that's again, that's really hard to explain.
[40:56] Warren Houghton
Yeah, but like, yeah, I've heard they have their place.
[41:00] Warren Houghton
They have their place.
[41:01] Warren Houghton
[41:01] Warren Houghton
You see like the leashy tools out there at the moment are really good and they make lock picking a lot easier for certain.
[41:09] Warren Houghton
Certain keys.
[41:10] Warren Houghton
If you got like your Yale lock, which a lot of people use on their front door, that's the one with.
[41:14] Viktor Petersson
You have like angle that you.
[41:16] Viktor Petersson
You basically.
[41:17] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[41:18] Viktor Petersson
I've seen this almost like a flat.
[41:20] Warren Houghton
Plate effectively with like what looks like, but it's not a key.
[41:24] Warren Houghton
And then you've got like a little arm almost and it goes like at angle and it tells you where, like how far to put it in for each one of the pins.
[41:32] Warren Houghton
So a lot obviously as has pins and you need to pick these pins in order to align them and open the door.
[41:39] Warren Houghton
And what Alicia does is it tells you where the pins are and then you can, you know, tension a little bit and it will pop open the door.
[41:47] Warren Houghton
It makes those locks an awful lot easier.
[41:50] Warren Houghton
Now I'm not going to say they can pick every single lock because you've got security pins and other things going on make it much better.
[41:57] Warren Houghton
But yeah, they're really good tools.
[42:00] Warren Houghton
But they're like 70 quid a piece for like each different type of lock.
[42:04] Viktor Petersson
[42:04] Warren Houghton
And I just haven't invested in that many because I haven't.
[42:09] Viktor Petersson
But it's essentially like doing single pin picking.
[42:12] Warren Houghton
[42:12] Viktor Petersson
[42:13] Viktor Petersson
In easy mode.
[42:15] Warren Houghton
[42:15] Warren Houghton
It's like single pin picking but like it tells you where the pins are.
[42:18] Warren Houghton
[42:19] Warren Houghton
Tells you if you pick them.
[42:20] Warren Houghton
And it's like, well, yeah, this is brilliant and it makes life an awful lot easier.
[42:26] Warren Houghton
I should probably pick some up but you know, haven't got around to it.
[42:30] Viktor Petersson
I've had in my basket that.
[42:31] Viktor Petersson
I mean, I know you can buy the good ones.
[42:33] Viktor Petersson
Like, I know.
[42:33] Viktor Petersson
Well, looking a lawyer has with his company with what they called blank on the name.
[42:39] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, yeah.
[42:40] Viktor Petersson
They have some high quality ones but I, I've had them on basket I'll express a few times, like let's just get my finger on them or hands on them to see how they are.
[42:47] Viktor Petersson
But I never actually got around to try them out.
[42:49] Warren Houghton
But the COVID Cover Instruments shop.
[42:54] Warren Houghton
Yeah, it's a frequented quite a few, but.
[42:56] Warren Houghton
Oh, shiny.
[42:57] Warren Houghton
I should probably.
[42:58] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, it's hard not to be tempted by that.
[43:03] Warren Houghton
[43:04] Viktor Petersson
So you mentioned elevators before and I think that's a really interesting attack vector as well.
[43:10] Viktor Petersson
Because I mean, getting into the physical building.
[43:14] Warren Houghton
[43:14] Viktor Petersson
But it's about elevating access within the building and accessing levels that you're not supposed to be accessing as well.
[43:22] Viktor Petersson
[43:22] Viktor Petersson
Data centers being one of them in corporate buildings.
[43:25] Viktor Petersson
They're probably off in the basement that are restricted.
[43:28] Viktor Petersson
[43:30] Viktor Petersson
Let's talk about elevator hacking.
[43:31] Viktor Petersson
All seen those things.
[43:33] Viktor Petersson
Like, oh, if I press all these buttons simultaneously, you can do this.
[43:36] Viktor Petersson
You all read these articles online, like how you bypass elevators, right?
[43:39] Viktor Petersson
Like I would say 9 of that bullshit.
[43:42] Viktor Petersson
But like I'm curious about your thing, your reasoning on that.
[43:46] Warren Houghton
Yeah, honestly not my area of expertise, so I don't have a lot of information on it, but I can hypothesize.
[43:53] Warren Houghton
[43:55] Warren Houghton
Yeah, sounds a lot of bullshit to me.
[43:57] Warren Houghton
But like it's.
[43:59] Warren Houghton
What are you going to gain like what are you going to gain from that other than going to a floor?
[44:03] Warren Houghton
May not be able to, but then you just buy a key, like I bought the key for the elevators and just go.
[44:09] Warren Houghton
And it'll lock it.
[44:10] Viktor Petersson
Fire brigade.
[44:13] Warren Houghton
And that'll generally let you go to whatever floor you want to.
[44:16] Warren Houghton
You don't need to hack them like the keys available on ebay, you know, and just do that.
[44:22] Warren Houghton
It's a lot easier, you know, take the easiest way out.
[44:26] Warren Houghton
You don't need to.
[44:26] Warren Houghton
Don't need to be all fancy.
[44:28] Warren Houghton
[44:28] Warren Houghton
Just buy the key.
[44:29] Warren Houghton
It's like three quid.
[44:30] Warren Houghton
[44:31] Viktor Petersson
Oh, fair enough.
[44:32] Viktor Petersson
Well, yeah, that's.
[44:33] Viktor Petersson
That sounds like an easier path.
[44:34] Viktor Petersson
[44:35] Warren Houghton
[44:36] Viktor Petersson
So I think this episode warrants a bit of conversation about the magic of the Hive is vest.
[44:43] Viktor Petersson
[44:43] Viktor Petersson
And I think that's something that we spoke about before we hit the record button last time.
[44:48] Viktor Petersson
It's just how often do you utilize that?
[44:51] Viktor Petersson
Because obviously you try to blend in, but sometimes posing as a BT engineer or whatever, something like that can get you into a lot of place as well without people batting it out.
[45:03] Warren Houghton
Yeah, it can.
[45:04] Warren Houghton
So that's tends to be quite an old school attack nowadays.
[45:08] Warren Houghton
So you tend to not have to go, oh, I'm here to inspect your fire extinguishers.
[45:13] Warren Houghton
Or I'm the BT engineer, whatever.
[45:16] Warren Houghton
Because generally you have like a work permit.
[45:18] Warren Houghton
Like, that's how these people work.
[45:19] Warren Houghton
They have a work permit.
[45:20] Warren Houghton
They are allowed to be there.
[45:21] Warren Houghton
And it's very widely known that BT engineer is going to be there.
[45:25] Warren Houghton
A fire extinguisher inspector will be escorted generally.
[45:29] Warren Houghton
Or like, because you can't get access to everywhere, so you're going to be escorted.
[45:33] Warren Houghton
So what can you do?
[45:34] Warren Houghton
Like you're in.
[45:36] Warren Houghton
Like we said earlier, it's not about getting in.
[45:39] Warren Houghton
Getting in generally isn't the hard bit.
[45:41] Warren Houghton
I'm not gonna lie.
[45:41] Warren Houghton
Getting into a building is.
[45:42] Warren Houghton
I find the easiest bit.
[45:44] Warren Houghton
It's getting into the right places in the building that makes it hard.
[45:48] Warren Houghton
And if you get in, that's where you can like elevate your access and go, okay, well, who do I need to target now?
[45:54] Warren Houghton
Do I need to social engineer anyone?
[45:55] Warren Houghton
To go?
[45:56] Warren Houghton
I need to get in there because I, you know, I'm doing a bloody audit or something.
[46:01] Warren Houghton
I'm doing your.
[46:01] Warren Houghton
But you're already in the building at that point.
[46:03] Viktor Petersson
Right, Right.
[46:04] Warren Houghton
[46:05] Warren Houghton
Trust, you know, you have to, you have to come from a place of trust with anything.
[46:10] Warren Houghton
Like if I'm going to question like the receptionist, for example, like, for some reason I need to question the receptionist, I tend to avoid them.
[46:17] Warren Houghton
But say on this instance, I need to question them.
[46:20] Warren Houghton
I'm never going to come from the outside and then go and question her because she.
[46:26] Warren Houghton
I'm not trusting them.
[46:27] Warren Houghton
Yeah, yeah, you're, you're coming from public area and trying to, you know, ask me potentially sensitive information.
[46:34] Warren Houghton
I'm going to make sure I come through the barrier from the inside.
[46:39] Warren Houghton
Make sure maybe I make a little bit of noise, maybe I bang my bag or something like that.
[46:44] Warren Houghton
So she glances over and sees me coming through this barrier and sees me coming from a place of trust and then go to hell.
[46:50] Warren Houghton
You know, it's all about.
[46:54] Warren Houghton
There's a whole science to it, clearly.
[46:55] Warren Houghton
But, like, it's.
[46:56] Warren Houghton
Yes, social engineering is, is a dark half, really.
[47:00] Viktor Petersson
But yeah, I mean, I, I find social engineering one of the most fascinating parts of this whole thing.
[47:06] Viktor Petersson
[47:07] Viktor Petersson
And I mean, DEFCON has this social engineering village where they do like, competition, like on the air, literally.
[47:14] Viktor Petersson
[47:15] Viktor Petersson
So maybe speak a bit like how, yeah, how are you doing social engineering?
[47:18] Viktor Petersson
What's your, how do you usually go about that?
[47:21] Viktor Petersson
What's your strategy generally for social engineering?
[47:25] Viktor Petersson
Or if there is one?
[47:27] Warren Houghton
So I tend to, I, I wouldn't say I have A strategy.
[47:30] Warren Houghton
Like, I, I tend to just be friendly.
[47:33] Warren Houghton
I know it sounds weird.
[47:35] Viktor Petersson
Smile get you a long way.
[47:37] Warren Houghton
Smile will get you an awful long way.
[47:39] Warren Houghton
Especially, especially in England.
[47:40] Warren Houghton
We're very trustworthy and we don't like confrontation.
[47:42] Warren Houghton
Yes, we can play that.
[47:44] Warren Houghton
Brits in general are very vulnerable to social engineering or certain kinds of social engineering.
[47:50] Warren Houghton
If nobody's ever going to do anything unless they want to do it, that needs to be.
[47:54] Warren Houghton
You need to.
[47:54] Warren Houghton
[47:56] Warren Houghton
Anything you want to do, anything you want to, anyone you want to compromise, anyone you want to target.
[48:00] Warren Houghton
They're never going to help you unless they want to help you.
[48:03] Warren Houghton
Rule number one, social engineering.
[48:05] Warren Houghton
You have to make them want to help you before they will help you.
[48:08] Warren Houghton
Okay, so it's the thing I said about earlier with the guest WI fi that didn't really fit that bill.
[48:18] Warren Houghton
Like, there was no reason for him to want to help me other than him feeling like he is helping me.
[48:22] Warren Houghton
But, like, generally you need to give them a reason to help you.
[48:25] Warren Houghton
And then you target that.
[48:27] Warren Houghton
If you're friendly and you smile and you ask them about their day, engage in conversation.
[48:33] Warren Houghton
Yeah, so I did a job last year, right.
[48:36] Warren Houghton
I broke into.
[48:37] Warren Houghton
Broke into a building.
[48:38] Warren Houghton
Bear in mind, at this point, I had full access, right.
[48:41] Warren Houghton
I had cloned a card, got access to where I needed to be, and just wanted to push and get more access because I'm never quite happy.
[48:50] Warren Houghton
[48:52] Warren Houghton
So I'd walk past the receptionist a couple of times.
[48:56] Warren Houghton
I made sure, like, she'd see me, had engaging conversation.
[49:01] Warren Houghton
I'm not gonna say her name, but she was lovely, really nice lady and engaged in like, oh, okay, her back was bad and all this sort of stuff.
[49:08] Warren Houghton
And you build up a rapport with your target before you target them is.
[49:13] Warren Houghton
Is what I, I tend to find works a lot better.
[49:16] Warren Houghton
So by this point, were already, I'm also going to say firm friends, but like, she already quite liked me, right?
[49:22] Warren Houghton
She didn't know what I was really there to do, but she already quite liked me.
[49:25] Warren Houghton
So when I went back later on, this was all to build up a rapport.
[49:30] Warren Houghton
When I went back later on and said, hi, you've got access to the access control system over there.
[49:38] Warren Houghton
Can I jump on that PC?
[49:40] Warren Houghton
I'm just doing an audit at the moment.
[49:42] Warren Houghton
Can I jump on that PC?
[49:43] Warren Houghton
And she's like, oh, yeah, absolutely no problem.
[49:46] Warren Houghton
Because she already quite likes me.
[49:48] Warren Houghton
And so you have to make her want to do it.
[49:52] Warren Houghton
And it was all about that.
[49:53] Warren Houghton
It was all about making her want to help me because she liked me.
[49:56] Warren Houghton
[49:57] Warren Houghton
And then she's like, oh, do you need me to log in?
[50:00] Warren Houghton
I'm like, whoa.
[50:00] Warren Houghton
Well, yes, I do.
[50:01] Warren Houghton
Yes, please.
[50:02] Warren Houghton
Thank you very much.
[50:02] Warren Houghton
So she logged into the access control system and then she just left me with it.
[50:09] Warren Houghton
She's like, oh, back in a minute, Warren.
[50:10] Warren Houghton
I'm just gonna go to the toilet.
[50:11] Warren Houghton
I'm like, oh, no problem at all.
[50:13] Warren Houghton
This is brilliant.
[50:14] Warren Houghton
So I just had unfettered access, the access control system and the reception for like five, ten minutes.
[50:21] Warren Houghton
I'm like, you realize how much damage I.
[50:23] Warren Houghton
I could do?
[50:23] Warren Houghton
And did.
[50:25] Warren Houghton
Because it led on to me compromising the entire access control system and dumping the entire database of everyone.
[50:33] Warren Houghton
So that.
[50:34] Warren Houghton
That was.
[50:34] Warren Houghton
That was fun.
[50:35] Warren Houghton
But, yeah.
[50:36] Warren Houghton
So it's all about.
[50:37] Warren Houghton
With social engineering, it's all about not.
[50:38] Viktor Petersson
Only can you elevate your own access, but you.
[50:40] Warren Houghton
Yeah, I had everyone's access at that point.
[50:44] Warren Houghton
[50:44] Warren Houghton
I mean, I could get everywhere.
[50:46] Warren Houghton
Like, I could get people I could get.
[50:47] Warren Houghton
Place my point of contact couldn't get to, which was quite funny.
[50:51] Warren Houghton
And he's like, oh, I don't.
[50:52] Warren Houghton
I haven't got access to that.
[50:54] Warren Houghton
That room.
[50:54] Warren Houghton
I was like, well, I have.
[50:57] Warren Houghton
So it's.
[50:58] Warren Houghton
It's the social engineering.
[50:59] Warren Houghton
It's all about building a rapport with your.
[51:02] Warren Houghton
With your cl.
[51:02] Warren Houghton
With your target.
[51:03] Warren Houghton
[51:03] Warren Houghton
It's all about making them want to help you.
[51:07] Viktor Petersson
[51:07] Warren Houghton
And want.
[51:08] Warren Houghton
Nobody wants to be vulnerable.
[51:10] Warren Houghton
Nobody wants to be targeted.
[51:11] Warren Houghton
Nobody wants to do any of that.
[51:13] Warren Houghton
But, like, if you make them your friend, they will.
[51:17] Warren Houghton
They will just divulge everything, which makes Brits really vulnerable.
[51:23] Warren Houghton
That's what I tend to.
[51:25] Warren Houghton
Sounds really harsh.
[51:27] Warren Houghton
That's why I tend to exploit in people because I tend to be generally quite friendly to people and people generally want to help me, which is brilliant because I want them to help me because I'm trying to hack them.
[51:40] Warren Houghton
And it's so.
[51:41] Warren Houghton
[51:42] Warren Houghton
Right, it's fun.
[51:46] Viktor Petersson
[51:47] Viktor Petersson
Good stuff.
[51:48] Viktor Petersson
All right, so I think let's wrap up with some war stories, because I'm sure you have plenty.
[51:54] Viktor Petersson
So let's maybe turn the tide, turn over to war stories of, like, what you've learned, what you've seen.
[51:59] Viktor Petersson
[51:59] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, I'm super curious about that.
[52:01] Warren Houghton
[52:02] Warren Houghton
So, right.
[52:03] Warren Houghton
I'm trying to think.
[52:04] Warren Houghton
[52:04] Warren Houghton
I've broken into about four, 50 odd buildings or something.
[52:06] Warren Houghton
[52:07] Warren Houghton
So there's a.
[52:07] Warren Houghton
There's a few.
[52:08] Warren Houghton
There's one.
[52:09] Warren Houghton
There's a couple that stand out.
[52:10] Warren Houghton
[52:11] Warren Houghton
There was this job, me and one of my best Mates did.
[52:15] Warren Houghton
And we happened, like, and this is very rare, but the hotel happened to be literally across the road from the target.
[52:22] Warren Houghton
And that doesn't happen every day.
[52:23] Warren Houghton
Like, so we're like, well, we need to get in that hotel because we can see the target from our hotel room.
[52:29] Warren Houghton
This is brilliant.
[52:31] Warren Houghton
So we did.
[52:32] Warren Houghton
We got in that hotel.
[52:33] Warren Houghton
Not the best hotel, right, but it was brilliant for that.
[52:37] Warren Houghton
And we had, like, a camera and everything like that propped up at the window.
[52:41] Warren Houghton
Like, we have to do this because this never happens.
[52:46] Warren Houghton
So we did all that, right?
[52:49] Warren Houghton
And were struggling to get in at this point.
[52:52] Warren Houghton
We're like, okay, we're, you know, we're trying to.
[52:54] Warren Houghton
Trying to find a way in.
[52:55] Warren Houghton
And kept on getting, like.
[52:57] Warren Houghton
It was like a massive complex, right?
[52:58] Warren Houghton
And as soon as you went into the complex at wrong point in the day, generally someone will question you, like, okay, well, we have to try and figure it out.
[53:07] Warren Houghton
We had a forge.
[53:08] Warren Houghton
Everything like that.
[53:09] Warren Houghton
Getting a forge wasn't a problem.
[53:10] Warren Houghton
We knew the access control system by this point.
[53:14] Warren Houghton
At this point in history, it wasn't easily cloneable in the field.
[53:18] Warren Houghton
It is now.
[53:19] Warren Houghton
But hindsight, you know, it's fine.
[53:22] Warren Houghton
So at some point during the engagement, we saw this random person.
[53:27] Warren Houghton
Random person just come out of this little door from the.
[53:31] Warren Houghton
From the canteen.
[53:33] Warren Houghton
And were like, oh, my God, they use that door.
[53:36] Warren Houghton
At that point, we'd only seen some people use the front door, right?
[53:39] Warren Houghton
And we're like, oh, my God, they use that door.
[53:40] Warren Houghton
I mean, like, that's.
[53:41] Warren Houghton
That's our way in because that's not the front door.
[53:44] Warren Houghton
So, like, I'm running over there now and left him left in there in the hotel room, and he videoed it and then sort of chilled outside this door.
[53:51] Warren Houghton
And somebody else came out, and I got instantly.
[53:54] Warren Houghton
I was like, happy days, Breach.
[53:55] Warren Houghton
Let's go.
[53:57] Warren Houghton
[53:57] Viktor Petersson
The fun was tailgating in or like, you actually.
[54:02] Warren Houghton
Get in.
[54:02] Warren Houghton
So as soon as somebody opened the door, I tailgated in after them.
[54:06] Warren Houghton
And I was like, right, I'm in.
[54:07] Warren Houghton
Make sure you had push by an exit, because you don't want to get locked in a building that really sucks and stuff like that.
[54:14] Warren Houghton
The next day, we had to do it again, but we had to get persistence.
[54:19] Warren Houghton
So we divulge this massive plan.
[54:22] Warren Houghton
And were like, so maglock.
[54:23] Warren Houghton
It was on a maglock, and if you put, like, one single piece of duct tape on a mag lock and then let it shut, it feels like it's shut, but with a little bit of force, it'll pop open quite Easily.
[54:34] Warren Houghton
But to a normal person, it feels like a shot, right?
[54:37] Warren Houghton
Like even just that thickness of a duct tape is enough to reduce the mag force by enough.
[54:43] Warren Houghton
And it's brilliant.
[54:45] Warren Houghton
So we tailgate in again.
[54:47] Warren Houghton
I tailgate this one person.
[54:49] Warren Houghton
My colleague tailgated me.
[54:52] Warren Houghton
Behind me.
[54:54] Warren Houghton
I had the tape on the inside of my coat.
[54:56] Warren Houghton
Bear in mind, it was lunchtime, so the canteen was full and I quickly pulled a tape out.
[55:03] Warren Houghton
Oh, yeah, there was so many people in this canteen.
[55:05] Warren Houghton
But we had to do it, we had to get persistence.
[55:07] Warren Houghton
We're like.
[55:08] Warren Houghton
It was a measured risk at this point.
[55:10] Warren Houghton
And I quickly slapped this duct tape on the maglock.
[55:15] Warren Houghton
Now, because it had been open for too long, the alarm started to.
[55:18] Warren Houghton
The door started to alarm and it was like, beep, beep, beep.
[55:22] Warren Houghton
Silence, Silence across the canteen.
[55:25] Warren Houghton
And we're like, oh, God, what do we do?
[55:28] Warren Houghton
And me and my colleague were just like, meh.
[55:32] Warren Houghton
And just laughed it off.
[55:33] Warren Houghton
And then suddenly everyone was like looking at, going, and this carried on.
[55:37] Warren Houghton
Sometimes the most simplest things are just like, stupid door, you know, idiot.
[55:43] Warren Houghton
Like, what the hell?
[55:46] Warren Houghton
But that was it.
[55:47] Warren Houghton
We got some.
[55:48] Viktor Petersson
That door.
[55:48] Warren Houghton
We came back later that night, we could open that door, that was fine.
[55:53] Warren Houghton
And then we completely ran out of their office and did what we needed to do.
[55:59] Warren Houghton
So we got access to obviously their domain.
[56:01] Warren Houghton
We got access to.
[56:02] Viktor Petersson
Oh, wow.
[56:03] Warren Houghton
One of the objectives was getting to their data center.
[56:06] Warren Houghton
Right now it was a false ceiling.
[56:08] Warren Houghton
And we didn't have badge at this point.
[56:10] Warren Houghton
Like, if I did this job now, it'd be a very different job and I would just clone the badges because I know how to clean the badges.
[56:15] Warren Houghton
But we didn't at that point.
[56:17] Warren Houghton
But it was a false ceiling and I'm like, I wonder if the wall goes all the way up.
[56:24] Warren Houghton
So before I knew it, my colleague had found a ladder.
[56:27] Warren Houghton
It was like 8 o'clock at night at this point.
[56:29] Warren Houghton
He'd found a ladder.
[56:30] Warren Houghton
And we had a ladder outside the data center, just lifting up, ceiling.
[56:35] Warren Houghton
And we're going to know the ceiling.
[56:38] Warren Houghton
The wall doesn't go all the way up.
[56:40] Warren Houghton
It was sort of like Happy days.
[56:42] Warren Houghton
And there was like a push button exit which were trying to reach and stuff like that.
[56:46] Warren Houghton
That was really good fun.
[56:47] Warren Houghton
That was a really fun job.
[56:49] Warren Houghton
We got absolutely everywhere and the climb was suitably terrified.
[56:54] Warren Houghton
It was good fun, really good fun.
[56:58] Warren Houghton
What else have we done?
[56:59] Viktor Petersson
I imagine.
[57:02] Warren Houghton
[57:02] Warren Houghton
So I broke into a bank in Amsterdam a few years back and we had.
[57:08] Warren Houghton
I had one, I had One day.
[57:11] Warren Houghton
So basically I, I had one day free in my schedule and the guy that was leading the job like, look, I'd rather have you for one day.
[57:20] Warren Houghton
Then it was quite nice of him, it was like, than anyone else for a week.
[57:24] Warren Houghton
Because I trust you, I know what you can do.
[57:27] Warren Houghton
He's worked me for years, so I was like, okay, I mean I do what I can.
[57:31] Warren Houghton
Like I don't think we're going to get in a day like, that's not going to happen.
[57:36] Warren Houghton
It was a big bank, like a big well known bank, right?
[57:39] Warren Houghton
But I did, I managed to tailgate the whole way in because we couldn't clone the badges at this point.
[57:45] Warren Houghton
Again, it was quite a secure system and I believe it still is quite a secure system even by today's standards.
[57:51] Warren Houghton
So I tailored all the way into their office, found that the objectives was to get into the stock trading floor and it was like a, you know, the tubes, right?
[58:00] Warren Houghton
It was tubes to get in.
[58:01] Warren Houghton
I was like, can't tailgate through that.
[58:04] Warren Houghton
Like that's not, that's not doable.
[58:06] Warren Houghton
Looked around a little bit, but the objective was basically get in, prove you can get in and then get out.
[58:11] Warren Houghton
That's all, that was all I needed to do.
[58:13] Warren Houghton
I didn't need to do anything.
[58:14] Warren Houghton
I didn't need to go in getting any network access.
[58:16] Warren Houghton
It was prove I can get in, prove I can get out, end off.
[58:20] Warren Houghton
I was like, okay, well I'll stick to objectives then.
[58:22] Warren Houghton
So I chilled out in the bathroom for a bit because adrenaline's on high obviously.
[58:27] Warren Houghton
I was like, right, let's give it a go, let's get out.
[58:30] Warren Houghton
It was a tailgate on the way out because it wasn't a push button exit.
[58:33] Warren Houghton
So I was like, okay, well I've got to try and get out somehow, right?
[58:38] Warren Houghton
So I went out for this door, beeped my badge because I had a badge that beeps.
[58:42] Warren Houghton
It just didn't open the door.
[58:43] Warren Houghton
And sometimes that's all you need, right?
[58:44] Warren Houghton
It's that level of trust.
[58:46] Warren Houghton
And I was like.
[58:47] Warren Houghton
Then called back to the receptionist, I was like, oh, can you buzz this door open for me?
[58:51] Warren Houghton
And she's like, who are you?
[58:53] Warren Houghton
I'm like, well I'm Warren from the London branch.
[58:58] Warren Houghton
It's like, who are you?
[59:01] Warren Houghton
Before you know it, this is the only time it's really happened.
[59:04] Warren Houghton
The only time I've ever really come close to getting caught.
[59:06] Warren Houghton
We know she was next to me, security guard was next to me, head of facilities was next to me and they're all going, who the bloody hell are you?
[59:14] Warren Houghton
I'm like, I'm worried.
[59:15] Warren Houghton
I'm here for the London branch.
[59:17] Warren Houghton
I'm here for a meeting.
[59:19] Warren Houghton
And she's like, who are you here for the meeting with?
[59:20] Warren Houghton
I was like, I'm gonna be honest, it was a Dutch name and I can't really pronounce it very well.
[59:26] Warren Houghton
Just play dumb.
[59:28] Warren Houghton
Sometimes you gotta play dumb.
[59:29] Warren Houghton
And I can't really pronounce it very well, and I've got no signal up here on my phone.
[59:33] Warren Houghton
If you can let me downstairs, I'll find out who it is.
[59:36] Warren Houghton
I'll get them to contact you and we'll get this straight up.
[59:38] Warren Houghton
And that was the.
[59:39] Warren Houghton
I was like, I just need to get out now.
[59:41] Warren Houghton
I don't need to tell them who I am.
[59:43] Warren Houghton
[59:43] Viktor Petersson
[59:43] Warren Houghton
I just need to get out.
[59:44] Warren Houghton
And then for them to be on my side.
[59:47] Viktor Petersson
[59:48] Warren Houghton
And she's like, okay, yeah, that's.
[59:50] Warren Houghton
That sounds all right.
[59:51] Warren Houghton
And I was like, well, who should I get them to contact?
[59:53] Warren Houghton
What's your name again?
[59:55] Warren Houghton
Social engineering.
[59:56] Warren Houghton
Put it back onto her.
[59:57] Warren Houghton
Make her feel like the target.
[59:58] Warren Houghton
Make her feel like she's under scrutiny.
[01:00:00] Warren Houghton
So they're on the defensive.
[01:00:02] Warren Houghton
And she's like, Said her name.
[01:00:04] Warren Houghton
I was like, and then you play stupid and you're like, as you probably gathered, I'm pretty bad with names and I'm not going to remember that.
[01:00:11] Warren Houghton
Can I take a picture of your badge?
[01:00:13] Warren Houghton
And she's like, yeah, okay.
[01:00:16] Warren Houghton
So she held her badge open like this in her palm, and I just took a picture of it.
[01:00:22] Warren Houghton
And I'm like, well, that was silly.
[01:00:25] Warren Houghton
I don't know why you did that to me, but thank you, because now I have a very clear picture of your badge.
[01:00:30] Warren Houghton
I can make a very good forgery off of that.
[01:00:32] Warren Houghton
And then she's like, sorry for all of this.
[01:00:35] Warren Houghton
It's like, sorry, we're just doing our job.
[01:00:36] Warren Houghton
Which is the best thing to hear as a social engineer, because you're like.
[01:00:40] Warren Houghton
You're like, it's okay.
[01:00:41] Warren Houghton
I know you're just doing your job.
[01:00:43] Warren Houghton
It's okay.
[01:00:44] Warren Houghton
And the security guard was like, I'm going to have to escort you out.
[01:00:47] Warren Houghton
[01:00:48] Warren Houghton
I'm like, that's great.
[01:00:50] Warren Houghton
In my head, I'm like, this is great because I can't get out.
[01:00:52] Warren Houghton
You're going to let me out.
[01:00:53] Warren Houghton
This is brilliant.
[01:00:55] Warren Houghton
And he escorted me down with him in the left.
[01:00:58] Warren Houghton
Turns out he used to live in London.
[01:01:00] Warren Houghton
All that jazz were chatting about.
[01:01:01] Warren Houghton
I know, I know a bit of London.
[01:01:02] Warren Houghton
I've never lived In London, but I know London.
[01:01:04] Warren Houghton
And chatting about London.
[01:01:06] Warren Houghton
And he's like, cheers, mate.
[01:01:07] Warren Houghton
I was like, I'm just gonna go grab a coffee and I'll get him to call you.
[01:01:10] Warren Houghton
Be no problem.
[01:01:11] Warren Houghton
He's like, yeah, no problem.
[01:01:13] Warren Houghton
Beeps me out.
[01:01:14] Warren Houghton
Never went back.
[01:01:15] Warren Houghton
Why would I go back in there now?
[01:01:16] Warren Houghton
I'm like, I'm gone.
[01:01:20] Warren Houghton
I'm gone.
[01:01:21] Warren Houghton
So just like.
[01:01:22] Warren Houghton
I'm like.
[01:01:23] Warren Houghton
I was like, yeah, I got in, dude.
[01:01:25] Warren Houghton
But, like, this is what I see.
[01:01:26] Warren Houghton
And tell the intel.
[01:01:27] Warren Houghton
Give them the debrief about what happened.
[01:01:29] Warren Houghton
I'm like, look, there's.
[01:01:30] Warren Houghton
There's tubes.
[01:01:31] Warren Houghton
They're using this car tech.
[01:01:32] Warren Houghton
It says, scan out.
[01:01:34] Warren Houghton
The receptionist is really on it.
[01:01:36] Warren Houghton
Fair play.
[01:01:36] Warren Houghton
And this is what you can do.
[01:01:38] Warren Houghton
And he's like, dude, what the hell?
[01:01:40] Warren Houghton
And then, yeah, there was work after that.
[01:01:43] Warren Houghton
And he was like, I'm going to talk to the client, because this is probably not.
[01:01:46] Warren Houghton
[01:01:46] Warren Houghton
And it changed a little bit, but I was like, oh, that was close.
[01:01:49] Warren Houghton
Almost got caught that time.
[01:01:50] Warren Houghton
That was the only time I've ever really almost got caught.
[01:01:53] Warren Houghton
I've never been caught.
[01:01:54] Warren Houghton
[01:01:54] Warren Houghton
I just sort of.
[01:01:57] Warren Houghton
What else have I done?
[01:01:59] Warren Houghton
I've done a few.
[01:02:00] Warren Houghton
Broke into an arena the other month.
[01:02:03] Warren Houghton
That was fun.
[01:02:04] Warren Houghton
That was a really big arena.
[01:02:06] Warren Houghton
Broke into one of them with a colleague at ptp and, yeah, we got access everywhere.
[01:02:13] Warren Houghton
Like, some of the doors were, like, hinging off and we could, like, push the door and press the push button, exit through the gap it made in the door and all that.
[01:02:22] Warren Houghton
I'm like, this is.
[01:02:23] Warren Houghton
This is bad.
[01:02:24] Warren Houghton
That was really good fun.
[01:02:25] Warren Houghton
We got on the roof of this arena and everything.
[01:02:29] Warren Houghton
It was.
[01:02:29] Warren Houghton
Yeah, that was really good fun.
[01:02:32] Warren Houghton
There's probably too many war stories to really list them all.
[01:02:35] Warren Houghton
It feel like I'm just gloating about cool stuff, but, yeah, it's a really fun job.
[01:02:43] Viktor Petersson
It sounds like it.
[01:02:45] Viktor Petersson
I guess the last thing I want to wrap up with is if you were to give advice for somebody building a company or building an office, rather, what's the one thing they should get right?
[01:02:57] Viktor Petersson
Like, in terms of, like, making your life hard?
[01:03:01] Warren Houghton
First and foremost, staff.
[01:03:04] Warren Houghton
Security awareness.
[01:03:05] Warren Houghton
That is the biggest thing.
[01:03:07] Warren Houghton
Make staff realize that they are part of your security posture.
[01:03:11] Warren Houghton
Make staff realize that just taking their badge off when they leave the office is such a huge win for the security of that company.
[01:03:20] Warren Houghton
Like, it sounds stupid, but, like, simple things like that really impact somebody trying to get in your building from, like, a persistent way.
[01:03:29] Warren Houghton
Like, tailgating is always potentially going to be a problem.
[01:03:32] Warren Houghton
Like you can always get alarms around it.
[01:03:33] Warren Houghton
You can like highlight tailgating, but it's security awareness fully that's going to stop him if somebody tailgates and the alarm goes off.
[01:03:41] Warren Houghton
Investigate that bloody alarm.
[01:03:43] Warren Houghton
Like don't just happen.
[01:03:44] Warren Houghton
Don't just laugh about it.
[01:03:45] Warren Houghton
That door that went off in my story like that's good.
[01:03:49] Warren Houghton
That's a security feature on the door.
[01:03:51] Warren Houghton
It's been open too long, could be tailgated and no one cared.
[01:03:56] Warren Houghton
[01:03:57] Viktor Petersson
[01:03:57] Warren Houghton
Everyone just laughed it off.
[01:03:59] Viktor Petersson
[01:03:59] Warren Houghton
Security awareness, mate.
[01:04:00] Warren Houghton
Like first and foremost, if you like, people should be aware that they have a place in security of a company.
[01:04:08] Viktor Petersson
[01:04:10] Viktor Petersson
And for access control systems, what should people avoid?
[01:04:17] Viktor Petersson
[01:04:18] Viktor Petersson
Let me ask you this.
[01:04:19] Viktor Petersson
What is completely game over in terms of security?
[01:04:23] Warren Houghton
Don't use HID procs.
[01:04:24] Warren Houghton
Don't do it.
[01:04:25] Warren Houghton
Like it's.
[01:04:26] Warren Houghton
[01:04:27] Warren Houghton
I know it's cheap.
[01:04:28] Warren Houghton
Don't do it.
[01:04:29] Warren Houghton
It's really bad.
[01:04:32] Warren Houghton
Largely Paxton net 2.
[01:04:36] Warren Houghton
You see it everywhere.
[01:04:39] Warren Houghton
There's some fundamental issues with that system that mean it can always be cloned and there's not a lot you can do to stop it.
[01:04:47] Warren Houghton
I wouldn't, I wouldn't recommend that.
[01:04:49] Warren Houghton
There are some really good systems out there.
[01:04:52] Warren Houghton
Like it's not all doom and gloom.
[01:04:53] Warren Houghton
And I've put a couple of blog posts out if you want to check PTV's website.
[01:04:56] Warren Houghton
One of their.
[01:04:57] Warren Houghton
Put a couple of blogs that.
[01:05:01] Warren Houghton
So you.
[01:05:02] Warren Houghton
Oh man.
[01:05:02] Warren Houghton
This is the whole, this is a whole subject but like a card, you've got your effect password on it and password to the door.
[01:05:09] Warren Houghton
Like to feel like the password that will open the door is your auth data.
[01:05:12] Warren Houghton
[01:05:13] Warren Houghton
And how that's secured on the card is what makes it a secure card.
[01:05:17] Warren Houghton
Not the card itself, not the technology is how you've chosen to secure it on the card so you can have like hit SEOs.
[01:05:24] Warren Houghton
And my fair des Fire are like two of the big players in security field about their really good cards and they can be configured in an incredibly secure way unless you encrypt the data on the card with a known key.
[01:05:40] Warren Houghton
[01:05:40] Warren Houghton
So like it's like having password as password.
[01:05:43] Warren Houghton
It's like, well, okay, you've got a password but I know, like it sounds.
[01:05:47] Viktor Petersson
Like a default credential scenario.
[01:05:48] Warren Houghton
It's exactly that.
[01:05:49] Warren Houghton
It's exactly that.
[01:05:50] Warren Houghton
That default credential is hard coded.
[01:05:52] Warren Houghton
So like every, like HID for example, for hid SEOs that.
[01:05:56] Warren Houghton
That default credential is hard coded like all their readers.
[01:06:00] Warren Houghton
So even if you don't know the key and there's like there's some people that do know the key and there's some really cool talks at DEFCON there were last year about how they extracted the key.
[01:06:09] Warren Houghton
It's not going public as far as I'm aware.
[01:06:11] Warren Houghton
It's never going to go public.
[01:06:12] Warren Houghton
But you don't need the key.
[01:06:14] Warren Houghton
You just buy a reader that has the key.
[01:06:16] Warren Houghton
It's easy, right?
[01:06:19] Warren Houghton
So just make sure the way you make it is change that key.
[01:06:25] Warren Houghton
That's it.
[01:06:26] Warren Houghton
Like you can change the formatting types and stuff like that of your data and make it be like corp 1000 for example, is one that they like to sell as a security feature.
[01:06:37] Warren Houghton
It's not, it's not a security feature, it's.
[01:06:40] Warren Houghton
It's a management feature about how you manage your keys or how you manage your auth data.
[01:06:45] Warren Houghton
The only thing that makes your card secure is your encryption key.
[01:06:50] Warren Houghton
Set a custom one that's custom to you and you'll be fine.
[01:06:53] Viktor Petersson
Right, interesting.
[01:06:57] Viktor Petersson
And I guess one thing to bear in mind is these readers.
[01:07:01] Viktor Petersson
If you can remove the readers from the wall, you can usually tap into the traffic between the reader and the back end and it's kind of game over as well, right?
[01:07:09] Warren Houghton
Oh yeah, absolutely.
[01:07:11] Viktor Petersson
That's next level of security.
[01:07:14] Warren Houghton
That's it.
[01:07:15] Warren Houghton
Like yes, you can take a read off the wall.
[01:07:16] Warren Houghton
Say it's like Wiegand or something like that, which is a very well used protocol.
[01:07:21] Warren Houghton
The back end of a reader to the controller, which is usually on the inside of the door somewhere and you can tap those wires like you say and just get the clear text auth data that's been decrypted and everything like that.
[01:07:31] Warren Houghton
Because your reader knows the encryption key I just spoke about to do to communicate with the card, but generally nothing else like post that does.
[01:07:39] Warren Houghton
It doesn't need to.
[01:07:40] Warren Houghton
It's only the reader that needs to talk to the card.
[01:07:42] Warren Houghton
[01:07:43] Warren Houghton
So if you can tap those wires behind it, you can get it like decrypted and fully clear.
[01:07:48] Warren Houghton
Now there's stuff that protects that.
[01:07:49] Warren Houghton
Obviously you've got different protocols like ISDP and stuff like that is better.
[01:07:55] Warren Houghton
Or you have like tamper switches on your readers.
[01:07:57] Warren Houghton
So if you pull a reader off the wall, it alarms like mad.
[01:07:59] Warren Houghton
And somebody going back to the security awareness, somebody should bloody investigate that because somebody's just ripped a reader off the wall.
[01:08:06] Warren Houghton
Go and investigate that.
[01:08:08] Warren Houghton
There are ways of managing the risk, but it's not, it's generally not good if you can get to the wires on the back end of a reader.
[01:08:19] Viktor Petersson
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
[01:08:20] Viktor Petersson
So it's always like with all things security, it's finding the weakest link in the entire equation, right?
[01:08:27] Warren Houghton
[01:08:28] Warren Houghton
[01:08:28] Warren Houghton
I like I think I said, I think I quote said it on the last episode we did.
[01:08:32] Warren Houghton
Hackers are lazy.
[01:08:34] Warren Houghton
Like I'm not gonna write some crazy O day to hack you if you've just set the password wrong.
[01:08:41] Warren Houghton
Like it's easier, isn't it?
[01:08:43] Warren Houghton
Yeah, sometimes you just don't.
[01:08:50] Viktor Petersson
I think that's a great note to end on.
[01:08:52] Viktor Petersson
Again, thank you so much for coming on the show, love.
[01:08:56] Viktor Petersson
Lovely to hear your war stories.
[01:08:58] Viktor Petersson
It's a fascinating space.
[01:08:59] Viktor Petersson
We might do a third episode at some point in the.
[01:09:08] Viktor Petersson
Exactly, exactly.
[01:09:09] Viktor Petersson
So again, thank you so much for coming on the show, Warren.
[01:09:12] Viktor Petersson
Real much appreciated.
[01:09:13] Viktor Petersson
Have a good one.
[01:09:14] Viktor Petersson
Talk to you soon.
[01:09:15] Warren Houghton
See ya.
[01:09:16] Viktor Petersson

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